While helping a student at @techtonica write a test for a React component, I encountered a mess just under the surface of React testing.

What I Found

I jumped back in to testing React (after a couple of years of React-free and noodling on Thoreau, Gauge, and Playwright), and was surprised by how much had changed.

I jumped back in to testing React (after a couple of years of React-free and noodling on Thoreau, gauge and Playwright), and was surprised by how much had changed. The last time I’d written React, I used Enzyme and Jest, although Enzyme was on its way out. I adapted to the change from Jasmine to Jest, but I wasn’t ready for the transitions that had piled up during my absence. Jumping back in, I discovered:

  • incompatible Jest configuration changes, version 23 or 24 or version 27?
  • abandonment of Enzyme (but 1000s of examples abound)
  • We abandoned class-components in favor of “functional” ones, along with using hooks. But I was surprised on how little information there is on testing hooks within components.
  • the addition of React Testing Library, replacing many other solutions.
  • inconsistent naming of libraries. For example, names of libraries don’t always match their package names, so to a new person, the system seems more complicated than it actually is.
  • Mocking seems to have evolved in different ways, and it’s hard to find any two example that agree on what a mock() functions do. There are, in fact, at least 4 ways to mock a module using Jest, as explained here. The designers of this library could have helped users by coming up with simpler usage patterns.
  • A function call to “render” in a React test calls one of 3 different functions that do different things. This is seldom mentioned in the examples of all three found on Stack Overflow and numerous blog posts. Official documentation is confusing because half the examples feature setup/teardown blocks to place the rendered component in the DOM, and the other half seem to skip this step. If you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss it. The generically named “React Testing Library” tried to address this by adding a third pattern on top the existing multiple “render” patterns. This goal is commendable, but using the same name is inexcuseable.

    To make this slightly more confusing, for quite some time it was recommended practice to override the DOM render methods in the test setup code, to inject application-specific context. This cleaned up tests, but it also adds a third possibility of what render might mean. Readers are suitably confused when they see render in a test.

  • As a not particularly helpful convenience, react-testing-library re-exports all dom-testing-library utilities. The same names mean the same thing, but you would not be crazy to wonder. Good luck if you skip the last sentence of paragraph 4: “so, in the next examples, we will import from @testing-library/react instead of @testing-library/dom.”


Given all that, here’s a brief overview of relevant libraries:

  • (Not recommended) The React site itself points you here: https://reactjs.org/docs/testing.html. This gives you a somewhat incomplete answer to testing React components.
  • Jest is a JavaScript test runner that lets you access the DOM. This is what most React tests are built upon. It gives you what you need out of the box quite without fuss.
  • React Testing Library (in package.json is known as @testing-library/react) combines useful functions of DOM Testing Library with a set of convenient helpers, to provide a unified place to look to test React components. This is a higher-level library than others, and a good place to start if you’re looking for working examples. Here’s a nice intro: https://noriste.github.io/reactjsday-2019-testing-course/book/react-testing-library/. There are both familiar and unfamiliar function signatures here: it re-exports some functions from DOM Testing library, and introduces its own render method that work well for most tests. Be careful of the overloaded names! But this + Jest and you should be good to go.
  • React DOM is the library that implements render in your production React app code. The initial approach to testing components used this, and there are many example that show writing tests with this ReactDOM.render() method. Using this, you’re testing the real-life code and behavior with a real DOM library. But this technique requires setup and teardown methods to make sure the DOM is ready and cleaned up after tests. It become tedious. Streamlined tools like Enzyme and then DOM Testing Library came in to solve these problems. Sadly, examples using technique look similar but are not compatible with DOM Testing Library. You’ll use this in your app, but not your testing– but watch for examples that use it.
  • DOM Testing Library is a very light-weight solution for answering questions about DOM nodes. It looks for nodes in a DOM tree, using getBy and queryBy. The usage is a bit surprising, but works. You definitely need to read the documentation before you start writing tests, so you know what’s there.
  • The thrice named Test Utilities, ReactTestUtils, or react-dom/test-utils looks to be outdated. Watch out for these examples and the inconsistent naming here. It has an act method, but you’re better off heading for React Testing Library.

Wrap-up & Lessons

ReactJSDay 2019 Testing Course has sorted it all out– as of 2019. It’s long but clear. It shows you all the ways to write tests and how they relate. It has good, working examples. I didn’t find another source that described all the pieces like this site does. I’d recommend that over the many medium posts and outdated StackOverflow posts, but you don’t need to read all of this.

Lessons to Learn

Although I’ve touched on all these above, a few lessons I wish developers of these tools had learned:

  • Name your project and package the same way. People will be confused if you shorten or rearrange words.
  • If you change the behavior of a function, give it a new name. That’s the rule. If you really can’t use a new name, do something to make it less confusing. You could use a name-spacing convention in all your examples: instead of import { render } from MyLib, use import MyLib from 'my-lib', and then MyLib.render(<Yeah />); in examples. Not great, but less confusing.
  • If you re-export all the functions of another package, you’re not adding any abstraction. No abstraction means more complexity. A move like this is ultimately a net increase of complexity in the ecosystem and can and should be avoided. Just recommend people use the other package directly.